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Our Beliefs

“We and our people — thanks be to God — follow no novel and strange religions, but that very religion which is ordained by Christ, sanctioned by the primitive and Catholic Church and approved by the consentient mind and voice of the most early Fathers.” — Queen Elizabeth, 1563 A.D.


We confess and practice the Catholic Faith, Apostolic Order, Orthodox Worship, and Evangelical Witness of the traditional Anglican Church, in conformity with:


  • The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, which “containeth all things necessary to salvation” (Article VI of the XXXIV Articles of Religion);


  • The three Ecumenical or Universal Creeds, namely, the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds; and


  • The historic Formularies of the English Reformation, namely, the Book of Common Prayer (in its 1928 American version), the Ordinal, the Articles of Religion (commonly called the Thirty-Nine Articles), and two Books of Homilies.

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